The Sobremesa Hat
Only available in Australia, limited edition hand decorated by Annabelle, Spanish made straw hat, size 57.5 with an 9cm base and a 10cm brim. It has a hand sewn ivory ribbon hatband with a bow at the back.
Sobremesa is what the Spanish do best. It’s time spent around the table after lunch talking, drinking and playing board games or cards until late in the afternoon. The perfect hat to stay sun safe for a long lunch, a picnic in the park, a stroll along the beach, a morning coffee or a bbq.
El Camino Photography: Valentina Galeano | Models: Maria Jenell & Morgan Kendall | MUAH: Leopoldo Rodriguez / Wardrobe: el Divan de Coco
Veranos de la Villa Photography: @marijkekuesters | MUAH: @leopoldohairandmakeup | Model: @juliettebells | Wardrobe: @el_divandecoco